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Friday, September 21, 2012

France bans Muslim protests

The warning from Interior Minister Manuel Valls was serious. Police have denied permits demonstration against the trailer Innocence of Muslims and the cartoons published in Charlie Hebdo. The prefecture of Paris rejected the request of an individual who wanted to organize a protest outside the Grand Mosque in the capital , and the same happened in other cities, while on Facebook and Twitter appeals succeed to hit the streets with the slogan "No touch our Prophet ". Fearful that the young radicals of a community that gathers 6 million people do not respect the prohibitions, police sources said may enable special devices for Saturday and recalled that those who participate in unauthorized marches risks a fine of 7,500 euros and six months in prison. The directors of Charlie Hebdo and some politicians criticized the socialist government for not consenting to the demonstrations, a decision that rarely happens in France, almost always when the petitioner is the extreme right. "There is a right of caricature and also the demonstration," recalled Jean-Luc Mélenchon , the leader of the Left Front. Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, built bridges with Islamists and praised the "great spirit of responsibility and restraint" of the Muslim leaders, who called to not fall into a "spirit victim", or "traps or provocations." The debate over the cartoons grew in intensity and split media, parties and ministers. The mayor of the 7th arrondissement of Paris. Rachida Dati (center right), agreed with the Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, and said that "everyone is a little annoyed with the cartoons because they are inconvenient and not very funny and can jeopardize the lives of French citizens living in Arab countries. The co-chair of the Green Group in the European Parliament, Daniel Cohn-Bendit , one of the most explicit, labeled a "jerk and masochist" to heads of Charlie Hebdo : "I have always understood the provocation is to give those with the power. But, to my knowledge, there are the Salafists and the idiots who have the power in the Muslim world, "he said. The veteran Dany the Red May 68 said: "All fundamentalisms are bullshit.The Christian, Jewish and Muslim layman. (...) And that is not that there are no limits to the provocation. There are those such as when we speak of the Holocaust ". The Trotskyists of the NPA issued a note in which he accused the weekly of "reactionary stupidity involved in the clash of civilizations", as Education Minister, Vincent Peillon, said that "freedom of expression is an inviolable principle of Needless to preserve civilization and no exceptions. We need that in democratic societies there are people who exercise that freedom without worrying about the consequences. "

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