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Friday, July 27, 2012

Twitter, Obama beat Chavez in the ranking of the most popular

Almost two-thirds of the world's political leaders have a Twitter account and the head of state is the most watched U.S. President Barak Obama. The study says a Burson-Marsteller on "Twiplomacy" on the presence of political leaders on the social network of "micromessaggi." Italy is not among the 125 countries surveyed by the study conducted by the firm of public relations, since neither the head of state or head of government have a Twitter account, however, "the Foreign Minister and the Foreign Ministry Giulio Terzi are doing a brilliant job on Digital Diplomacy, "said Matthias Luefkens, Digital Practice Leader of Burson-Marsteller Europe, Middle East and Africa. With more than 17 million "followers" Obama is not only the world's most popular political leader on Twitter , his account is also the fifth most popular around the universe of Twitter, just behind the singer Britney Spears. In the ranking of political leaders, the account of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is the second most popular (more than 3 million members), before the White House (2951928), Queen Rania of Jordan (2,174,187) and British Prime Minister David Cameron (2,022,685), said Burson-Marsteller. The study reveals that a total of 120 personal accounts, only 30 leaders tweettano personally. About half do not follow other colleagues. The EU President Herman van Rompuy is the leading online better, because it follows in a reciprocal way of 11.Burson-Marteller further specifies that Obama was the first leader to join Twitter (March 5, 2007) and has signed the most popular tweet: the words' same-sex couples should be able to marry "was retweettato 62,047 times May 9, 2012.

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