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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Study reveals why many people see women as sex objects

The fact that many people see women as sex objects led to interest from a group of U.S. researchers who were raised to know the origin of that perception. The researchers concluded that the human brain processes images differently from males and females. If you think that perception is only of men, think again, because women's brains also behaves this way. "Researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln believe that men do because they are looking for potential partners. And for women is a way to compare themselves with competitors, "notes the average British. Professor Sarah Gervais, a psychologist who led the research, said the study, involving over 220 men and women, also found that this tendency to "objectify" women with all of them, not just those who are " striking. " "This is not something that only affects the supermodels or porn stars," said Gervais. The researcher says need to focus on local processing (perception by parts) is the basis of how we perceive objects (houses, cars, etc..). "With people should not do this. We should not break people into its parts. But when it comes to women we do, which is really surprising, "he says. "Women are perceived in the same way we see objects," he said.

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