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Thursday, May 16, 2013

The UN says that the sanctions have "delayed" the North Korean nuclear program

The sanctions imposed by the Security Council of United Nations to North Korea have managed to slow "considerably" their nuclear programs and ballistic missiles, according to a report by a group of experts of the international organization, which has had access to Reuters.  "Although t0he imposition of sanctions has not suspended the development of nuclear programs and ballistic missile, it has achieved, in all likelihood, significantly delay the schedule (North Korea)," reads the report, 52 pages. The panel stressed that economic sanctions, financial and trade, especially those relating to exchange weapons, "have managed to stifle an important funding that have channeled these prohibited activities." In addition, the expert group has recommended to the highest executive body of the UN that includes three entities and twelve individuals in the list of sanctions on North Korea . To do this, its 15 members must give their approval. The three organizations are the Ministry of Atomic Energy Industry, the Department of Munitions Industry Central Committee of the Workers Party of North Korea (KWP) and the State Council for Space Development. Among individuals are Minister of Atomic Energy Industry, four employees of the Department of the KWP Munitions Industry and Ukrainian citizens Yuri Karev Lunov and Igor Popov and Aleksandr Viktorovich Kazakh Zikov for its links with the North Korean arms industry. on the other hand, the expert group has reported that North Korea "has continued to defy the international community with a series of events that have raised concerns about their true intentions." "North Korea has continued its efforts to import and export important pieces to their nuclear programs and ballistic missiles," he said, mentioning, in particular, seized shipments between 2008 and 2012 for Syria and Iran, among other countries. The communist regime is sanctioned by the UN, the European Union (EU) and the United States, resulting in prohibiciĆ³n to use and develop nuclear technology and ballistic missiles, and to import and export certain products.

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