The increasing threats to security posed by the actions of Islamic militants and the growing influence of China across Africa are high on the agenda of the 11-day trip that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton began the mainland on Tuesday. Clinton began his last marathon abroad, which will take at least six African countries, among them the world's newest nation, the Southern Sudan, and Uganda, Kenya, Malawi and South Africa The journey begins with the Senegal, where, according to U.S. officials, it will deliver a speech warning the African countries about the dangers of investment China, which many experts can enrich China at the expense of Africa.She will tell you that proper development can reduce the appeal of extremist groups are gaining momentum in Nigeria and Mali and Somalia still threaten. Not to mention China by name, Hillary will ask leaders Africans carefully consider projects proposed by foreign countries that will require full accountability and that can encourage corruption, to the detriment of the people some of the poorest countries in the world, according to sources spoke on condition of anonymity. The United States is increasingly concerned with the growing interest of China in Africa, a result of China's enormous need for energy and natural resources to fuel its economy. U.S. officials, among them Hillary herself, has expressed reservations about the Chinese practice of investing in huge infrastructure projects and construction that only employ Chinese workers and ignore human rights and democratic principles. A spokesman for the State Department, Victoria Nuland, said in a statement that Clinton will use his speech in Dakar Senegal to enhance democracy and "emphasize the partnership approach in the U.S." across Africa. From Senegal, Secretary of State will go to southern Sudan, Uganda and Kenya.
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