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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Iran-Israel conflict, Israel's attack must wait

The Israeli leadership has shown its commitment to stop Iran's nuclear program in the coming weeks militarily. But with such a blow to Israel leaving only to itself - and mistrusts his partner USA. Going it alone would be devastating. The concern about the euro and the fierce fighting in Syria obscure the view of the escalation of the crisis over Iran's nuclear program. This deterioration is a result of the progress Iran has made in recent months and the Israeli response. Former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy said recently in an interview: "When I was very concerned Iranians." After Halevy believes it could soon come to an Israeli military attack. But why is it supposed to be so much to consider in the coming weeks to attack considering? And the military option is in fact the only serious option, to dissuade Iran from his purpose? The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in May reported on the status of Iran's program the following: The total amount of enriched uranium to 3.5 percent is 6197 kg.Should accumulate this amount to 90 percent for weapons purposes, it is sufficient for the production of at least five atomic bombs. Along the way, Iran has already enriched approximately 145.6 kg to 20 percent. For those who harbored any doubts, if Iran does not yet limited to a program for civilian use, the IAEA has already pointed out in November on a whole range of activities whose sole purpose was to develop a nuclear weapon. Netanyahu and Barak can be no doubt of their determination Israel is on the U.S., the Europeans and other countries rely When you consider that the objective of the foreign ministers of Germany, France and Great Britain almost nine years consisted in Tehran to dissuade from this enrichment program, you can only reach the conclusion that in the meantime the attempt dissuading Iran through diplomatic channels of its project failed. The main reason for the failure of diplomacy lies in the asymmetry of the objectives of the parties. Iran aims to achieve in the field of nuclear fuel cycle full independence, so that it is capable of producing enriched uranium. Of which the country has deviated in these years an inch. Whatever the outcome, the political tug of war is: Iran will then have enough fissile material as well as the other necessary components needed for a weapon. From the beginning, Iran has left no doubt about his determination to do as a signatory of the NPT, to its right to uranium enrichment use - without his duties, for example control options to keep. To achieve his goal, Iran needs time, and as long as it will not be willing to compromise.As we know, it has not prevented Iran, with the West to "negotiate", especially since it was clear that the price for an uncompromising attitude is not too high. And so could not and can Iran continue its program - and in an impressive manner. The EU and the U.S. deny Iran's right to a nuclear civilian program does not, at the same time it insists that Tehran provides evidence regarding the civilian nature of the program.That has not happened to date. Unlike Iran, the West is pushing for a quick solution to the crisis. Given this asymmetry of interests, it is no wonder that there is no breakthrough emerges. Only if Iran does in its current pattern of behavior no longer an advantage that diplomacy will get a chance. For this one has way too slowly increased the pressure through sanctions. Some analysts suggest that Iran is willing to resume talks last April as a sign that Israel's military threat as well as the significant sanctions, the Iranian leadership had moved to a thought. Despite the initial optimism that the current round of talks at the official level for no apparent substantive success came to an end, but with a willingness to keep talking. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Barak hold talks for the continuation of the hopeless. The longer drag on the rounds, they say, the greater is the danger that Iran secure its nuclear program and thus increase the existential threat to Israel. In their statements the last time they leave virtually no doubt about their determination in the coming weeks to act militarily. In their view, Israel can not afford the option of living with an Iranian bomb. Consequently, the theme remains that Israel can not depend on anyone but himself, no other choice than to bomb Iran. And as long as the targets in Iran that they must control in order to destroy the program successfully are attacked, Israel must use its limited military capability. The longer you wait, the more dependent it is on the U.S. and its interests. With their attitude prove Netanyahu and Barak, to the discomfort of the Israeli military leadership that they distrust the American president. This asks for more time and want to wait for the elections in November. It is worth mentioning that Obama feels obliged Israel clearly and has used more than any other government for its security. But it begs the question of whether an Israeli solo actually serves the interests of the country.  Buoyed by the mission to secure Israel's existence, must remember one thing Netanyahu: Even a successful military attack on Israel is the United States, the Europeans and other countries rely to keep up the pressure on Iran. It should - and it must proceed - come to an Iranian backlash that international political and military support will be of great importance. This support is for an Israeli military alone guarantees nowhere at this time. At the same time we should not forget that Obama has the Iranian attempt to acquire nuclear weapons, described as unacceptable. The prestige, credibility and above all, the interests of the U.S. in the region not to erode further, Obama - should he be re-elected - must take up arms, if not by 2013 should come to a diplomatic solution. Israel has no choice but to wait for the United States. Any other decision would have dire consequences.

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