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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bashar Asad moves armies to crush the revolt in Aleppo

The Syrian army has mobilized its troops stationed in various parts of the country to strengthen its counter-offensive in Aleppo, the second largest town in the waging fierce fighting between soldiers and rebels. The revolt 16 months ago the Syrians took to the streets en masse to demand the overthrow of the regime is now an open war in which some insurgents poorly armed and trained by groups sometimes even opposing, defying a powerful regular army. The obvious superiority of the army has not prevented the insurgents have been able to jeopardize the regime in two of its main strongholds: Aleppo and Damascus. The intensification of the government offensive has also encouraged the Syrian ambassador to UAE and its counterpart in Cyprus to defect.Lamia al-Hariri left his office in Nicosia for an alleged appointment. The diplomat later reappeared in Tasting. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights , based in London, a figure that 18,000 died as a result of the crackdown in which the government hopes to crush the rebellion. That for six days open warfare has moved to Aleppo -2.5 million neighbors, in northern Syria, after the rebels deal a mortal blow to the military leadership in Damascus, it means the dictatorship of President Bashar Assad has lost at least part of their support in the commercial and administrative capital. The rebels claim to have liberated even districts of Aleppo, little given so far to promote a rebellion carrier instability. Still, an eventual rebel victory would not be far from imminent, according to observers. Aleppo was bombed again last Army aviation , according to witnesses cited by various means. The fighting spread through much of the city and came to the gates of the spectacular medina."I've heard at least 20 rockets, I think coming from the helicopters. And also many machine guns firing, "said Omar, a neighbor, told Reuters. In Damascus, the Army returned to use heavy weapons to reduce the outbreaks of rebellion. While in Homs, the city hardest hit by the armed forces, the general prison siege lasted five days. The local activists claim that the general in charge of the prison has cut off electricity and prisoners, including children and women are denied food and water. Fear of the breakthrough of armed rebel groups in Damascus and Aleppo has intensified military campaign of the Army throughout the country. The deterioration of the situation on the ground has led Turkey to close the border it shares with Syria to commercial traffic . "Refugees can keep going," reports by telephone from Geneva Sybelle Wilkes, spokesman for the High Commissioner for Refugees United Nations .Between one million and a million and half Syrians have fled their homes and have moved abroad or to safer parts of the country. In recent days, the rebels have claimed taking several border posts and customs controls in the north. Moscow, a staunch ally of Damascus, estimated that the crossings are in the hands of groups allied to Al Qaeda. The Damascus regime used to refer to "Islamic terrorists" to refer to the rebels. Moscow sent also a reassuring message to the West. Russia said it had received "assurances" from Syria that its chemical weapons "are undercover." The Foreign Ministry said he had moved to Damascus its position, according to which Moscow considers "unacceptable threats to use chemical weapons."

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