She leaves the field. While Francois Hollande, the day before the election, his political home on the market makes its round tulle, she wanders around almost unnoticed. An elegant gray coat, white bears Valerie Trierweiler, a large umbrella in his hand. And as she goes to these last few hours before it becomes serious? "Happily," she says of course. She was happy to spend time with the people in Correze, although it will obviously abhaben all a part of their Francois. But this story, the journalist will have to get used anyway. In the future, her partner first heard the French - and they like a little bit with. As a woman on the side of the president she does not have any formal commitments. But because the French view their leader as a kind of elected king, they also want a queen. Trierweiler is accessible. She talks to this day, unencumbered by the marketers of Tulle. Hollande wants a "normal president" to be, and she works at the picture of a normal first lady.Even though this is hardly possible. The 47-year-old has already let you know prior to his election, that it is a little dizzy at the thought. And she stressed that she wants to practice their profession. For a journalist, initially specializing in political reporting, but this is difficult if not impossible. They themselves know best how the public will pull for them. A story like that is their for their editorial, the slap-heavy weekly magazine "Paris Match", a feeding frenzy. The research on such a story had Trierweiler ever brought together only with Hollande.Due to the need for admiration of his longtime girlfriend Segolene Royal met Trierweiler the couple 20 years ago. The former Royal Minister had invited the journalist shortly after the birth of their daughter to the hospital for a nice story. Hollande, and Trierweiler became friends during that time. A pair of them were in 2005. But the public was not at first. The official was further reported the dream couple Hollande-Royal, which has four children and the presidential candidacy rangelte 2007th When Royal was a candidate, they even spoke of an imminent wedding with Hollande, although he had moved away long ago.According to legend, a Parisian Royal have even offered him to abandon him for the sake of the presidential campaign, when he came back to her. It was not until the evening of her defeat by Nicolas Sarkozy, Royal was then announced that she had separated from Hollande. Soon after, showed itself with Trierweiler. You should have no illusions about how much the love of the Parisian socialists determined by the political cycle. Put back in their own career had Trierweiler and the policy-change in the literature department, as they met with Hollande. In addition, the twice-divorced mother of three sons sought a second job as a TV presenter. Their influence on Hollande but makes itself felt: The 57-year-old has been transformed over the past two years by the rounded "pudding" to stripped-down, smart statesman. And on election night, his face relaxed only when Trierweiler came to him in the party platform. The night before, when he had worked late in his constituency office in Tulle, he sent them off with his friend Bernard Combes. "There is no constituency office in the kitchen. So we have the restaurant," she said.
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