The police have arrested two suspected attackers on Thursday took part in gang rape a young photojournalist Indian coastal city of Mumbai, according to a police source reported. Police, who have made numerous arrests of suspects in recent hours, at the moment only has arrested two of the five individuals who were part of the group that committed aggression according to the research. "We have arrested a second accused this morning (the first was arrested yesterday). has confessed his involvement . Inquiries are on the correct line and hope to catch the other three soon, "said the commissioner Satyapal Singh, quoted by IANS. The attack happened late on Thursday in an abandoned textile complex in central district of Bombay , the main Indian metropolis and capital of the southwestern state of Maharashtra. The girl, an intern in practice 22 years, I was doing a story for a local magazine in English along with a partner. The assailants beat the boy and tied him while three of them raped her in turns to the reporter, who suffered serious internal injuries but is in stable condition and out of danger in a hospital in Mumbai. This violation has rekindled outrage against sexual assaults in India , which a large psychosis since late 2012 An 23 year old student died after being attacked in a similar manner with her boyfriend on a bus from New Delhi.
Descent of foreign tourism
The leader of the ruling Congress Party, Sonia Gandhi, called the Bombay rape "terrible crime" and said it "should not have happened," according to local media. Continued violations that has collected in recent months local and international press have affected foreign tourism in India, and led the authorities to amend the Criminal Code to toughen penalties against convicted of rape. A Delhi court must issue a verdict soon in the case concerning the student assaulted on the bus. Observers believe that the death penalty is the punishment likely for the four accused of that crime. A fifth suspect involved committed suicide in prison, according to the official version, and a sixth alleged offender was a minor when the events occurred and has been tried by a juvenile court shall impose the maximum sentence of three years of internment.
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