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Sunday, February 3, 2013

The White House releases a photograph of Barack Obama practicing skeet

The White House released a photo of U.S. President, Barack Obamaskeet shooting practice in the retreat of Camp David, after several conservatives question the veracity of a statement made ​​by the president on the matter. The image was taken by the official photographer for the White House, Pete Souza, at Camp David on 4 August, the day of the 51st birthday of President. It sees Obama firing a shotgun and wearing a black goggles and earmuffs.In an interview with the magazine New Republic published on Sunday, Obama said that at the presidential residence rest of Camp David (Maryland) practiced skeet sometimes, never with her ​​daughtersbut often with guests to which get there. "I have a deep respect for the traditions of hunting," said the president in the same interview when speaking of open debate in the country about weapons and their efforts to achieve greater control of their sale and possession. According to Obama, "if you grew up and your father gave you a hunting rifle when you were 10 (years), and went out and were spending the day with him and your uncles, and it became part of family traditions , it is easy to see why would you want to protect that."

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