Thorsten Heins RIM CEO said that the launch of BlackBerry 10 was a "journey of transformation" that will change not only the business of the company, but also "mobile communications in mobile computing." The first major innovation in the presentation was that Research In Motion will disappear as a company and will be renamed BlackBerry , a move understandable if one considers that the public knew more phones brand rather than the company that manufactured them. "It's a brand, a promise, our customers use BlackBerry , our employees work for BlackBerry , "said the manager. Heins took the opportunity to emphasize that BlackBerry 10 is the heart of innovation in the company and thanked the developers, customers and employees of RIM. Additionally, he said: "This is one of the biggest launches in our industry and today is not, in fact, the finish line, but to start." The CEO of Canada said that BlackBerry 10 is for people "socially hyper" and those who want to do several tasks at once so simple. " BlackBerry 10 will keep moving, "he added. "It is not enough to say that we reinvent the company. Today is a new day in the history of BlackBerry . Two years ago we had to take a serious decision: adopt a different platform or create a new database for BlackBerry ". BlackBerry introduced two new smartphones from the company: the BlackBerry Z10 and Q10 , both equipped with the brand new operating system BlackBerry 10. The BlackBerry Z10 , as advance, has a 4.2-inch touchscreen display with 1280 x 756 resolution and 356 ppi. The Q10 , meanwhile, maintains a physical keyboard for BlackBerry faithful followers.
An approach to BlackBerry 10
During the presentation, Vivek Bhardwaj, head of enterprise software, showed the new platform in operation, of which emphasized mainly the speed of BlackBerry 10 allows the user to move between different open applications.
Bhardwaj also referred to Balance, functionality that allows users to have their separate personal and corporate profiles on the same computer and demonstrated how the two ecosystems coexist separately on the same phone.
During the event the camera was also equipped with Time Shift, which allows you to choose the best of the photos taken.
BlackBerry World
Martyn Mallick noted the renewed application store, BlackBerry , including series, music videos and large music and movie studios, with over 70,000 applications. In this framework, Heins introduced the new global creative director, singer (and users of BlackBerry), Alicia Keys, who explained his favorite features of the company's equipment.
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