The body of the young woman who was raped by six men on a bus in New Delhi on Sunday was cremated in the Indian capital this morning after arriving from Singapore, where he died in a hospital. The plane, chartered by the Indian government , with the body of the university landed at Indira Gandhi International Airport New Delhi at 0330 local time (2200 GMT Saturday), said an Interior Ministry spokesman told local media. According to the source, the Indian prime minister, Manmohan Singh , and the leader of the ruling Congress party, Sonia Gandhi , were at the airport, where he paid tribute to the deceased and conveyed his condolences to the parents of the girl. Then the girl's body was taken to the family residence in west Delhi and hours later he was cremated following the Hindu ritual. The ceremony took place in the most absolute privacy , with the sole presence of some politicians and the inner circle of family and friends. India woke up yesterday with the announcement of the death of the young and throughout the day there were demonstrations across the country to pay tribute to the victim, seek justice and demand increased security measures for women. In New Delhi, the "manifestódromo" Jantar Mantar was erected in the main meeting point of the outraged after police cut off access to the central monument of India Gate, where there had been so far the biggest protests. One day after his death, the protests continue in India, and New Delhi Jantar Mantar was again the venue for hundreds of outraged , where unlike yesterday, there were small clashes with police. Since the rape of the girl, on December 16, for 40 minutes by six men in a bus, India has experienced a wave of unprecedented protests, some violent, such as that caused one death and 143 injured in the Door in India a week ago. The authors of rape were arrested and the girl, who was taken to hospital where he died Singapore, suffered, according to the latest medical report, "infection in the lungs and abdomen, and a significant brain injury". An Indian diplomat who accompanied the girl's family in Singapore, said yesterday that the girl's parents' wish that his daughter's death serves to provide a better future for women both New Delhi and across India ". The National Register of Crimes reported in 2011 that every 20 minutes a woman is raped in India , but in only one in four cases because the rapist is convicted, according to analysts, the "immense corruption" present in the police force.
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