For many users of Facebook have a lot of friends can be synonymous with fun or popularity. However, not everything is rosy. Warns a study by University of Edinburgh Business School, Scotland, too many friends in the social network means more stress. The explanation is: the greater the number of friends, more heterogeneous are the profiles of each . This means that the user must adapt content-generating as videos, photographs, comments or more global audiences. Consequently, the activity will demand more work, which means more stress. "Stress happens when the Facebook user must present a version of himself that may not please all his friends, such as a post showing that insults, drinking or smoking too, "said a statement from the university, reproduced by the website CNET. "The larger circles to which it is linked online , the greater the stress caused by social networks ", determines the study, of 300 people, mostly students of 21 years. The analysis further states that people usually have seven different types of social circles in Internet platforms, as best friends, childhood friends, office mates or family. "The most common is the group of friends known offline (97 percent said they added them to their online profiles), followed by the extended family (81%), siblings (80%), friends of friends (69 %) and colleagues (65%) "defines the work of the university. Furthermore, the report notes that more users send friend requests to their former partners, rather than the current, another source of pressure for attempting "impress". Only a third of respondents said also use Facebook to customize lists in detail who share information. The report's author Ben Marder concluded: " Facebook used to be a party in which all your friends could dance, drink and flirt. Now with parents and leaders, the party became an event that generates anxiety and it is full of potential social bomb ".
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