When trying to access the English or Chinese daily l screen gives an error signal, which appears when typing even The New York Times in search engines like Google or Baidu. Moreover, according to Internet users, links have been deleted article published in Chinese social networks like Sina Weibo. The article accused the family of Wen, who leaves his post in November at the top of the Communist Party of China in March and leaves the prime minister, had amassed a huge fortune through business secret in banks, jewelry, telecommunications infrastructure and resorts. Other media had already written earlier on this matter, especially suspicions that Zhang Peili, Wen's wife, has monopolized the diamond business in China , leveraging the power of her husband. The U.S. newspaper says it has investigated the activities of Wen's family since 1992,and involves both the two sons of Wen and Zhang as a brother and a brother of the prime minister. Not the first time this year that China blocks U.S. half for publishing sensitive material on one of its politicians, as happened last June with the Bloomberg agency, to reveal a similar article in the details of the wealth of Vice President Xi Jinping , leading candidate to head the Asian country from 2013. The censure of these items shows the sensitivity of the Chinese government towards suslĂderes any personal information, and more in a year as the current sensitive, which initiates the transition of power and that has been beaten by the political scandal of Bo Xilai. The family of the Chinese premier, Wen Jiabao, has an equity investment of at least $ 2,700 million , according to an exclusive article that the New York Times published today, two weeks before the conclave convened by the Communist Party to change its dome. "Many relatives of Wen Jiabao, including his son, his daughter, his brother and his brother have become extraordinarily wealthy while in office, "the newspaper said. "A review of business and regulatory data indicates that the prime minister's family, some of whom have a knack for aggressive business agreements , including his wife, control assets of 2,700 million dollars, " he said. The Chinese Foreign Ministry rejected the report , which called slanderous. "report slander China and seeks hidden agenda , "said ministry spokesman Hong Lei. According to the New York Times , 80% of equity is held by Wen's family, including his wife and children, so it is not subject to the supervision of the party rules. The media noted that the auditors came to the final figure based on company reports, stock reports and other public documents. Wen he built an image of " prime minister of the people " who care about the ordinary people, rejects the concentration of wealth and supports policy reforms. However, the book The Best Actor of China , published in 2010 by dissident Yu Jie , Wen said that China managed to fool many foreign observers as showing different from other party leaders.
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