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Monday, August 27, 2012

The Apple victory over Samsung

The Apple victory over Samsung in the courts could change the mobile device industry, especially for Android , the operating system of GoogleThe South Korean company, ordered to pay 800 million euros to the U.S. for copying the design of the iPhone and the iPad , is considered the highest quality platform of Android. Google is operating system devices other companies, and therefore is more protected complaints regarding potential. The analyst Rob Enderle said to AFP, however, that the ruling "will force a rethink of the products of Android as they reorganize to circumvent patents Apple » The ruling affects not only Samsung and Android in favor of Apple.Other players such as Microsoft or the manufacturer of Blackberry ,RIM , will benefit from these obstacles to the South Korean company.Microsoft may well impetus for his upcoming operating systemWindows 8 and the marketing of your phone star, Windows Phone 8RIM , severely devalued in recent years, has become more attractive."His pantentes are considered strong enough to keep the battle," says Enderle. Android accounts for 50% market share of smartphones sold in the U.S., Apple accounted for 30% and RIM has fallen to 12%. In the tablet market, Apple leads the dispute, with 70% market share. To Florian Mueller, a specialist consultant patent rights, the judgment on Friday is a "big step forward" for Apple, but warns that there is still a long way to go legal . The September 20 hearing is held to determine whether to revoke or amend the judgment on Friday, or impose higher penalties to Samsung, which could triple the initial amount of compensation to be paid to Apple. A key component of the battle is Apple's ability to obtain a suspension or ban the sale of Samsung products. The expert in patent law at the University of Missouri, Dennis Crouch, says the judge has broad discretion to legislate on this issue. In any case, he said, Samsung is "definitely ready to stop selling each product in question and replace it with another." Possible targets are the popular Galaxy series phones and tablet Galaxy 10. Besides Samsung, Google could be the big perderor, especially if Apple decides to do battle with other manufacturers that support the Android operating system. "Google must now retire and start making changes in the Android software" remain Crouch.

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