At least 115 people died in the last two weeks during an army offensive against Kurdish rebels in southeastern regions of Turkey, said the Interior Minister Idris Naim Sahin. Successive air raids were part of the operation military initiated from the July 22 near the town of Semdinli, near the border with Iraq, the official added. About two thousand Turkish troops were dislocated in these areas to run the offensive against the militias of the so called 'Party Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). The Government's main strategy, which included the closure of some roads to the public, was to block escape routes to Kurdish northern Iraq, where the rebels receive support, they argue the authorities in Ankara.Opponents Kurds attacked in unison three military positions in Hakkari, where clashes caused six soldiers and six rebels dead, said the source. Another force that ethnic insurgent fired on government positions in the Hakkari province bordering Iraq, reported the governor's office that province, Orhan Alimoglu. That deployment included a Kurdish military station near the town of Gecimli, 20 kilometers from the Iraqi border. Army's rejection that district killed 22 rebels and soldiers and wounded about 15 soldiers and five civilians, according to information from the governor, adding that at least 18 opponents and eight soldiers were killed in other actions against a military unit in Hakkari about 40 days ago. The PKK, also called the Congress of Freedom and Democracy in Kurdistan ( Kadek) ensures that their struggles for 20 years (since 1984) pursue the autonomy of southeast Turkey, a Kurdish majority. According to the government, these opposing forces have bases in northern Iraq from where they launch attacks on Turkish targets, in a conflict that accumulated tens of thousands dead on both sides.
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