Umar Patek was tried for his involvement in the Bali bombings that killed 202 people in 2002. Justice Indonesian sentenced Thursday to twenty years in prison Umar Patek, considered " the demolitions expert "Islamist network Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), thus ending the last major trial related to the Bali bombings in 2002, the bloodiest in the country's history. " We condemn Umar Patek to 20 years in prison , "said the presiding judge of West Jakarta, Encep Yuliardi, pronouncing judgment against the Indonesian age 45, after more than four months of hearings . Almost ten years after the fact, Umar Patek and escape the firing squad which had faced in 2008 three other Islamist leaders for their role in the attacks, which had precipitated Indonesia in the " war against terrorism . " 202 people were killed, mostly foreign tourists including 88 Australians and four French. Before trial, the prosecution had indicated its intention to seek death, but she eventually required a life sentence, after the act of contrition made by Umar Patek at the helm. The Islamist said surprised by asking " pardon "to the families of victims. " I regret what happened because I was against from the beginning , "he assured, adding that he had" never agreed with the methods "of bombers, who had struck at the heart of Kuta, high -instead of international tourism on the island of Bali. Patek had also played its role, recognizing only have " helped to mix"fifty pounds, the ton of chemicals that exploded in October 2002 outside a bar and a nightclub in the seaside resort of Bali. In its decision, the judge Yuliardi however stressed that " also may have been minor role (Patek), the result brought death . " " He said he disapproved of the attack , "admitted the judge. But " he could have refused to follow orders from his superiors or at least report it to authorities , "he said. The accused, wearing his traditional white Muslim robe, had abandoned his usual smile in court, simply to shake hands with the judges after reading the sentence, before leaving the room without comment to the press, unlike usual. Umar Patek was arrested in January 2011 in Abbottabad, the Pakistani city where Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces four months later. Patek had been extradited from Pakistan to Indonesia last August, ending nearly nine years on the run. An FBI agent came to the bar say that Patek had tried to meet bin Laden. An alleged accomplice of Patek has also ensured that bin Laden had paid 30,000 dollars at JI before the Bali bombings. Patek has instead advocated a geographical coincidence to explain the place of his arrest. But he admitted having undergone training and have wanted to live in Afghanistan, a country " occupied by Nato"when he wanted to bring his" help ." Besides the manufacture of explosives in Bali, the Indonesian was also convicted of involvement in making bombs, disguised as Christmas gifts, which had killed 19 people in churches December 24, 2000. With the conclusion of the trial of Patek, expire ten years of investigation and legal proceedings, at least in Indonesia. Three people were placed by their arms in November 2008 for their role in the attacks. Three suspects were also killed during police operations while the other two leaders are behind bars, one of which, known by the single name of " Hambali , "the U.S. base at Guantanamo.
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