Pakistan T20 skipper Shahid Afridi has accused some players of standing near the boundary, signing autographs and watching girls during the match. I have my eye on a few such players who do not focus on ground, he said. In a leaked video of the PCB hearing on Pakistan's disastrous tour of Australia, broadcasted by a Pakistani TV channel, Afridi admitted that he has heard rumours of the Pakistan team's involvement in match fixing but cannot single out any player. On being asked, why the Pakistan players performed so poorly in Australia, Afridi replied that though some players fielded really well in the practice sessions, they watched girls and signed autographs during match. When an PCB official asked Afridi if there were any deliberate defeats, he replied, that his team has not been beaten in the matches but have actually "given away" those matches. Afridi claimed that the Pakistani cricket team lacks mental strength. He said, the players had decided that they cannot beat Australia even before the match had begun. On being asked whether he suspects that any member of the team intentionally lost a match, he replied that he had heard from others that such things exist but did not know of any such player.
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