Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik faced trouble with the Hyderabad police today registering a case of cheating against him on a complaint filed by Mohammed Siddiqui, father of Ayesha, the Hyderabadi woman who claims to be his wife. Police commissioner AK Khan said the immigration authorities were being alerted on the criminal complaint, a move that could see Malik being prevented from leaving the country. Malik has been charged with harassing Ayesha, cheating to marry another woman, and criminal intimidation, including threats to her to keep quiet, Khan said. Siddiqui in his complaint, which was lodged hours after Malik today confirmed his marriage with tennis star Sania Mirza on April 15, accused the Pakistani cricketer of cheating his daughter.
Threat to suicide from Ayesha is a criminal threat.
ReplyDeleteAyisha filing criminal cases against Shoaib is extortion. Marriage disputes before, during and after marriage are civil disputes.It is fascism if all marriage disputed are given a colour of criminal disputes and IPC section 498a is invoked. Even the s supreme court has warned against misuse of Section 498A IPC
This female Ayisha is aiming at US $ 1 Million. This is pure Ransom
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