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Monday, December 17, 2012

Generation Y prefers smartphone to real life

Real life is increasingly virtual and intelligent among the "Generation Y", which includes those born between 1982 and 1995, according to the results of a global survey conducted by the U.S. company Cisco, 87 percent of them have an account on Facebook, while 56% on Twitter . The study, conducted in 18 countries at 1,800 people aged 18 to 30 years, also indicates that young people are constantly and simultaneously connected to work, home and pleasures, as social relations or shopping. The border between professional The private and family disappears , the firm warns. The survey reveals that 90 percent of respondents check their e-mail account, your text messages and Facebook notifications from your smartphone as soon as you wake up , before getting out of bed. A third view their accounts in the bathroom, nearly half do so on the table, and one in five, while driving. The 30% of respondents view almost unconsciously their smartphone throughout the day, while one in five of the magazine every 10 minutes . A third do so every half hour, of which half are American. Cisco's survey further adds that 60% admit using their mobile compulsivelyTwo in five think that being deprived of his phone is like the amputation of a body part. If the bone 206 complete human skeleton, the smartphone may well be the number 207 . They regard their phone as an appendage of his being, as something essential to life, "says the firm. With respect to employment, most young people said they moved to smartphones desktop computers to workThe survey also included statistics on the trade item58% of clients seeking advice before buying a product. A similar percentage has no problem leaving your email address to receive discounts or benefits.

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