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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Everyone convicted of killing women in Afghanistan will be executed

The deputy prosecutor of Afghanistan Rahmatulá Nazari , has announced that all persons found guilty of murdering women and girls in the country will be executed. "in Kabul's only 1,320 cases of violence against women being investigated. Some of them have been sent to the Supreme Court , "he explained, noting an increase in cases of domestic violence, as reported by the news portal Afghan TOLO Newsremarks came a day after the arrest of two men accused of beheading a fourteen age in Kunduz province (north), after the girl's father refused a marriage proposal made ​​by one of the's president, Hamid Karzai, also referred to these cases and stressed that "both Islam and Afghan culture are very respectful of women." "Women are mothers and have complete respect in Islam," he said, so it has asked imams and community leaders to champion this respect in his speeches. In the case of the beheading of the adolescent, Authorities have said that research shows that the killedwere people who wanted to marry her . "They were harassing the family and asking for her hand. They refused, she was killed," police sources have said. The murdered girl's father said he had refused to give it in marriage po r "being too young to be engaged" . Afghan officials have indicated that the two suspects are close relatives of the murdered girl, and one of them has been confirmed as one of her cousins, while the ratio of the second to the deceased has not yet transpired.

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