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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Singer challenge Taliban and her husband killed

Very popular among young progressives had become an artist of pop rejecting the decree banning music and dance in Pakistan. He had defied the Taliban decree banning music and dance. She became a famous pop singer. Then the end. Ghazala Javed, 24, a Pakistani, was killed last night shortly after leaving a beauty salon. Two motorcyclists opened fire on the car of the star. The woman, reached by six bullets, died along with his father who was driving the car. Investigators believe the culprit may be the former husband of Ghazala. The singer, after only six months of marriage, he discovered that his companion had a second wife and had returned to live by his father asking for a divorce. The request, in Pakistan's conservative society, must be found inconceivable: a woman seeking a divorce is a disgrace to the husband. Ghazala Javed had married the businessman Jahangir Khan in 2010 after fleeing the Taliban rule in Swat in northwestern Pakistan. From the stories of the artist's family, the husband had repeatedly tried to stop her from singing. The woman was very popular among young Pakistani liberals, but his career over the years had several times been hampered by the rise of the Taliban who refuse to music and dancing, forcing her, along with other artists to record songs and videos off the nation. According to the police officer Imtiaz Altaf, the Taliban would not be involved in the murder of the artist.

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