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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dispute over anti-terror fight Pakistan has U.S. accusations back sharply

A response from Pakistan was to be expected, now it has turned out unusually sharp. "We believe that the U.S. defense of some very complex issues with which we have to do in the fight against extremism and terrorism, to simplify a lot," the Pakistani foreign minister said Saturday in Islamabad. Pentagon chief Leon Panetta had the Pakistani government on Thursday called upon in unusually strong words to rethink their behavior in the fight against terror. "We make it very clear: We're at the end of our patience," the defense minister said during a surprise visit to Afghanistan . It is extremely difficult to create safe conditions in Afghanistan, Pakistan and over again when a neighbor would offer terrorists. In the border area of ​​both countries believe the United States hideouts of the Taliban - which would apparently be tolerated by the Pakistani authorities. "It is very important that Pakistan is now initiating the right steps," said Panetta. The diplomatic response from Islamabad was just as clear: "We believe that such statements are out of place here and not very helpful in bringing peace and stability in the region." It is the response to a long-simmering dispute between the governments in Washington and Islamabad - Pakistan, the United States require a stronger role and a clearer position in the anti-terror fight. Thus, the United States require Pakistan to pursue the extremist Haqqani network harder. The group is said to have links with Afghan Taliban and al-Qaida and it is considered as the author of some of the deadliest attacks on Western troops in Afghanistan. "Pakistan has said repeatedly that it will not allow its territory to launch attacks against any other country is used. Also, the Government will tolerate no safe havens for terrorists, said the foreign minister. However'll Islamabad to" own terms "and its own strategy proceed.

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